Productividad Académica
- Román-Román A, Martínez-Santos VI, Castañón-Sánchez CA, Albañil-Muñoz AJ, González-Mendoza P, Soto-Flores DG, Martínez-Carrillo DN, Fernández-Tilapa G. 2019. CagL polymorphisms D58/K59 are predominant in Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from Mexican patients with chronic gastritis. Gut Pathog. 11:5.
- Atrisco-Morales J, Martínez-Santos VI, Román-Román A, Alarcón-Millán J, De Sampedro-Reyes J, Cruz-Del Carmen I, Martínez-Carrillo DN, Fernández-Tilapa G. 2018. vacA s1m1 genotype and cagA EPIYA-ABC pattern are predominant among Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from Mexican patients with chronic gastritis. J Med Microbiol. 67(3):314-324.
- Ares MA, Fernández-Vázquez JL, Pacheco S, Martínez-Santos VI, Jarillo-Quijada MD, Torres J, Alcántar-Curiel MD, González-Y-Merchand JA, De la Cruz MA. 2017. Additional regulatory activities of MrkH for the transcriptional expression of the Klebsiella pneumoniae mrk genes: Antagonist of H-NS and repressor.PLoS One. 12(3): e0173285.
- Ramírez M, Garibay-Cerdenares OL, Martinez-Santos VI, Parra-Rojas I. 2017. Utility of proteomic analysis in the search for biomarkers and therapeutic targets in metabolic alterations associated with obesity. Investigación Clínica. 58 (3), 284-308.
- Hernández-Vergara JA, Martínez-Santos VI, Radilla-Vázquez RB, Silva-Sánchez J, Vences-Velásquez A, Castro-Alarcón N. 2016. Characterization of Escherichia coli clinical isolates causing urinary tract infections in the community of Chilpancingo, Mexico. Int Microbiol. 19(4):209-215.
- Gaytán MO, Martínez-Santos VI, Soto E, González-Pedrajo B. 2016. Type Three Secretion System in Attaching and Effacing Pathogens. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 6:129.
- Caballero-Flores GG, Croxen MA, Martínez-Santos VI, Finlay BB, Puente JL. 2015. Identification and regulation of a novel Citrobacter rodentium gut colonization fimbria (Gcf). J Bacteriol. 197(8):1478-91.
- García-Angulo VA, Martínez-Santos VI, Villaseñor T, Santana FJ, Huerta-Saquero A, Martínez LC, Jiménez R, Lara-Ochoa C, Téllez-Sosa J, Bustamante VH, Puente JL. 2012. A distinct regulatory sequence is essential for the expression of a subset of nle genes in attaching and effacing Escherichia coli.J Bacteriol. 194(20):5589-603.
- Martínez-Santos VI, Medrano-López A, Saldaña Z, Girón JA, Puente JL. 2012. Transcriptional regulation of the ecp operon by EcpR, IHF, and H-NS in attaching and effacing Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol. 194(18):5020-33.
- Garnett JA, Martínez-Santos VI, Saldaña Z, Pape T, Hawthorne W, Chan J, Simpson PJ, Cota E, Puente JL, Girón JA, Matthews S. 2012. Structural insights into the biogenesis and biofilm formation by the Escherichia coli common pilus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.109(10):3950-5.
Proyectos de investigación financiados
- Proyecto Semilla-UAGro 2018.